00:04:00 // Animation Short Movie // 2018
Two twins discuss, while still inside their mother's belly, what they might find once they are born.
Adapted from “ Your sacret self ” Wayne W Dyer
Direction: Ignacio f Rodó & Blanca Bonet
Music: Javier Bayón
Animation& Design: Blanca Bonet
Production: Ignacio Rodó
Sound editing: Soundee Sound
Sound Recording: Sofia Acri
Voices: Molly Malcolm , Sophie O
Baixada Animada. Mostra Ibero-Americana de Cinema de Animação (Brazil 2018).
Periferie Animate (Italy 2018).
Out of Bounds Film Festival (Italy 2018).
Festival de Cortometrajes K-lidoscopi (Spain 2018).
Festival de Cine y Artes Visuales Bugarte (Colombia 2018).
Fricine. Festival Internacional de Cinema Socioambiental (Brazil 2018).
My Mumbai International Short Film Festival (India 2018).
Festival de Cortometrajes Proyecta Jerez (Spain 2018).
Ficbe Berriozar (Spain 2018).
LIFFT India Filmotsav (India 2018).
Certamen Nacional de Cortos de Animación Animainzón (Spain 2018).
Panama Animation Festival (Panama 2018).
We Are All Others, International Short Film Festival of Social Diversity (Mexico 2018).
Festival VideoBabel (Peru 2018).
No Te Cortes y Muestra Tu Corto (Spain 2018).
Frenesí Festival Internacional de Cine de la Unión Valle (Colombia 2018).
Mi Primer Festival (Peru 2018).
BFF Borgarnes Film Freaks (Iceland 2018).